Friday, September 30, 2005
Well, came upon some tests when I was visiting Cynthia's blog. Took some of it and my results are as below. Doing all these due to the poor response u will get from cold calling on a fri. Everyone will either ignore you or ask you to call back again next week. It's the weekend for heaven sake. Who will want to talk business?
Your Ideal Relationship is Polyamory |
![]() You want to have your cake... and everyone else's. Which isn't a bad thing, if everyone else gets to eat too! You're too much of a free spirit to be tied down by a traditional relationship. You think relationships should be open and free, with few restrictions. |
You Are 17 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
How You Are In Love |
![]() You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You give completely and unconditionally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
You Are 60% Weird |
![]() You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
You Are a Martini |
![]() There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush. You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it! |
Well, let's just say that the tests were quite true for me. Try it out if you are bored at home or work. Cheers!! It's the weekend.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
5:27 PM
5:27 PM
Well, you guys see the heading. Been real busy recently due to all the RTs and work. Just started on calling and making appointment with companies to talk about AMEX Corporate Card. RTs had been a killer. With every session leaving me exhausted both mentally and physically. I got to give it to SAF. Even when it is raining(which always happen on a God Damn Sun morning), they can still think of making ways to make us sweat like a pig. (Do PIGS sweat anyway!!??) The killer move for me was the aerobics session. Let's just say that after the aerobics session, I am beginning to respect ladies who can go through 2 hours of aerobics. 1 hour for me and I was down on my knees begging for rest.
Workwise had been quite ok. Beginning to get back into the mode of mindless cold calling. Trying my best to convince the other party to meet up with me. Dread.. Met up with a few prospects and is hoping that I can have some cases coming in soon. The $$ will definitely come in handy. My PC is still in the workshop (my ex company). I just can't get the motherboard working in my pc. I figure that I will need around $500 to rehaul the whole system. This will include getting a better motherboard, a new harddisk (My old one crashed so badly that I can't even format it) and a new RAM. I am really tempted to get a new PC. But I will need a loan to do that and let's just say that I don't believe that anyone will give me a loan after I took so long to clear off my previous debts.
Really hoping that I can clear my IPPT test next week. Chin up is the only subject that is holding me back now. If I do fail that bloody test, I will have to go for RT 3 times a week. I think I would definitely go crazy by then. I will only have 1 day of rest in between the session. Don't think that my aching muscles can take it anymore.
Quote from one of my favourite movies. Spiderman 2
Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names. And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them how to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
4:22 PM
4:22 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
One of my all time favourite quote. This sentence is simple and yet touching. Problem is, you will need tons of courage to say it. Especially in front of that someone you love. Be it a guy or a gal. To be honest, I had never really say the word " I Love you " before. Even to my ex when they were my girlfriend. I might have said it a few times but only when we were together and I did something stupid due to my childish mentality in love. I had always believe that you must be responsible for what you say and do. If you were to just simply say that you love someone to nearly everyone, you will be simply degrading the word "Love" and definitely yourself. Maybe this could be one of the reasons why I suck at relationship. I simply can't make myself to voice out my feelings in front of that someone I like. Shyness? Or simply gutless? Don't think that I have an answer to this question too. Though there had been times that I lived to regret not saying how I felt but I guess I just never learn.
"What do you want in life?" One of the questions my new boss had asked me on my first day of work. Is it money? Glory? Personal satisfaction or simply trying to make a living in this crazy world? I thought that I had wanted all the riches in the world. But after thinking through, I realized later that this is just too shallow. How can all the riches in the world make me happy when I don't have a happy family and great friends by my side? Who do I want to be? A regular employee going through the motion of life and work so as to get a paycheck come end of the month. Even though not really liking what I am doing but having to do it cause of the paycheck? Or do I want to be an employer? If I do want to be an employer, what form of business do I want to venture in? Service provider or retail or F&B? All this questions keep bumping around in my head.
I began to realize that my primary motivation in life now is me and my mum. I am selfish. In a sense that I want the best for my mum to make up for all the shit that she had went through bringing me up. I also want the best for myself for all the shit that I had went through. All this had kinda make me confused on what I really like doing the most. I do like doing sales but is it my favourite job? Or am I doing this cause it can be a good paying job if I work hard? Careful reflection make me realize that this might not be the case. I had always wanted to be either a journalist or policeman when I was young. Got to give up the dream of being a policeman due to my color blindness and my mum. She hated the idea of me being a policeman, Well, maybe that's because I am her only son and she don't want anything bad happening to me. As for being a journalist, I had to give up the idea of enrolling into a JC cause I thought at that point of time that I will not have enough money to see myself through University. This is a decision that I still regret deeply now. I can't turn time back but what I can do now is to try my best in sales. To be honest, it is a good and high paying job or a sucky and lowpaying job depending on how you do it. I will have to make sure it is a good and high paying job. I will need the money to further my studies in the field of Mass Communications. Bread might be important but I think I will still opt for my dream at the end of the day. I want to study and this will be my primary motivation now. Of course I will still work hard for my mum cause I love her too much. Again, I dare to say it here but you will never catch me saying this in front of her.
Lastly, I will be needing help from whoever is reading this. Kindly stop all your invitations to me for going to a pub or club. I am drinking more and more and I am beginning to hate myself for doing this. One of the things I hated about my dad was his drinking but seems like I had gotten his genes in this. Both he and my mum were good drinkers. Good thing about my mum is that she knows how to control and she had given up on the bottle for so many years now. Not sure how that guy is faring but I am sure he might just be drinking away as I am typing this. Don't wanna end up like him.
Drinking also make me say and do silly things. Some of the things I do and words I say are totally not me. It makes me feel as if I am baring out my whole soul. This thought alone is scary enough. I might have done something damaging without myself realizing it. I need a break from drinking. The longer the better.
Love knows nothing of rank or river bank.
Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.
I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No... not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love - like there has never been in a play.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
7:11 PM
7:11 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Grimsby Town 1 Tottenham Hotspurs 0
Got a shock this morning when Kenn sms me this morning to console me. I was thinking that he should be pulling a prank on me but he hardly do that. Immediately checked livescore via my handphone and damn it, Spurs had really lost. Grimsby Town? I can't even name one of their players.
To use the word disappointed is an understatement. The players must stand up and be counted. They are playing for Tottenham Hotspurs. The first team to win the Double. Yes. We did it way before Manure and Gooners started this trend. For a club to field 5 England internationals and yet lose to a team who might not even earn up to half their salaries is disgraceful. It makes real fans like me boil. Anger and ashame of my team.
The coach must also take some blame. To be honest, Martin Jol had been doing some nice things for the club but he must understand that Jenas and Reid are just not wingers in the Spurs mould. We used to have Waddle and Ginola marauding down the flanks. I think Ruel Fox would have done better than those two. One is an England International but seems to be out of form and sorts at this moment and the other is just a fat ass that can't dribble and scare the daylights out of defenders. The quality of crosses is just simply not there. If we don't have good wingers, we must definitely change the system. Stop sticking to the bloody 4-4-2. We have more than enough class defenders and central midfielders to try other system.
For a Spurs supporter of 15 years like me, I had enough of this shit. They had better get their act together. Anything less than a place of Europe this season is a disaster.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
3:36 PM
3:36 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
I am sure most of you guys out here had read about the maid killing incident that had happened recently. It kinda show us the dark side of the lifestyle of Filipino maids in S'pore. What can possibly drive two close friends apart with one killing and dismembering the other in the end. Only a thing we called as Love. Love, when not being acknowledge by the other party can turn to hatred.
I never had much confidence in love. No offence but marriage to me seems to be there so that a divorce can happen. Close friends of mine had divorce with their partners. My parents had it when I was young and also parents of my close friends. I am always skeptical on the Living Happily Ever After. That's too fairytale for my liking. I mean it is just too difficult. Not impossible. I would never use that word. But with much difficulty. To make a relationship tick, I think the most important factor is the trust between 2 parties. To believe whatever he or she is telling you and trusting her not to cheat or do something wrong to you. A relationship without trust is due to fail the first day it began it's embarkation. I just find it hard to trust someone in a relationship. There seems to be a cloud over my head whenever I think of it. Maybe it is the things that my Dad had done to my mum. Maybe it is the lies I had seen people telling to their partners. I hate being lied to and I am sure everyone out there feel the same.
If you had read the papers on Sun, it is quite common for foreign workers to have a partner here. It just make me feel more disappointed with this thing we call Love. I had been single for close to 3 years now and I think one of the main reason is that I am afraid of things like this happening. I would admit that I am lacking in confidence and also security when it come to love. Even in my previous relationships, I would broke out in cold sweat in the middle of the night. Dreaming of us breaking up just like what my parents had done.
Anyway, I would like to apologize to someone who I had misbelieved in. I should had trusted you. Sorry for the black face which I had showed you. Seems like I need more time to cure myself of this illness in me.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
2:30 PM
2:30 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Important announcement!! I will be having a new job come 19 of Sept 2005. I had quitted my current job after some soul searching. It should be a change for the better. My last day of job will be on this coming Tues. I will be missing my colleagues who are a great bunch of people and also this laptop that I am typing this from. It had been a great buddy for me when my pc is down. It is still down now but hopefully I will be able to repair it by Wed. I will then be officially broke till my next pay check.
Bought a DVD home theatre system set last Sat from Comex. Well, I didn't think that I had splurged unnecessary on this. My mum had been hoping for a new system to listen to her oldies(she love to sing along) ever since the old one crank up on us last year. It is just too bad that her son can never save enought $$ to buy one for her. I know a bargain when I see one. $199 for a Sharp system with a 5.1 speaker system to boot is too good to be true. The usual selling price was $320. Part of the reason why I am so broke now. But hey, I finally had the chance to watch DVD. One of the films I watched recently was City Of Gods. Think that a lot of people out here should had seen it before. All I can say is that it is a great film. Realistic and also showing us the darker nature of this world that we never knew. Especially for us pampered S'poreans who have everything that we could have ask without even having to fight for it. I felt for those kids in the movies. Having to fend for themselves with guns when kids at S'pore is deciding which country to travel to for their holidays. Really make u feel sad for them. For those who haven't seen this film, go and watch it. It is one hell of a good film.
Just attended my first Remedial Training for IPPT this morning. From now on, every Tues evening and Sun morning will be gone for me. That means no work or movies night for me on tues and no late night outs on Sat for me. Well, the bright side is I will be paid during all these training sessions(though the pay is like nominal) and also get paid again when I take my IPPT test on 4 Oct. I am aiming for at least a silver. The $200 will come in handy for me.
I was in JB on Fri. Been quite a while since I last went there. Though we only got there at around 1(due to someone being late), it was still great fun. We had Curry Fish Head(NICE!!) follow by shopping(got to admit that it wasn't that boring for me as I got 2 t-shirts and also a pair of sandals), tea break at Secret Recipe(Cake and drinks at less than S$10.) and dinner at Taman Pelangi. Great! I loved the eating and also drinking (;P) part the most during that trip. Thanks for the companionship. Though I was complaining that you are dumb and talked too much, kinda realised that it wouldn't had be that fun if u hadn't be just you. I will handle the paparrazi. No worries on that. Though now a bit heart pain after doing up the sums of our damage in JB, it was worth it for all that fun.
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
8:45 PM
8:45 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Just finished watching Project Superstar on Channel U. Will share my thoughts on that later. Some friends actually called me up to ask what's with the SAF charge. Well, I had arrived in camp on that day by a cab as I was afraid that I will be late. I was giving my utmost respect to SAF by trying not to be late and waste their time. But to my annoyance, I was made to wait for 4 hours before being allowed to meet up with the Officer in charge. See, those bunch of incompetent fools at my camp had arranged for all 40 NSMen to go back at the same bloody time. I was no 30 when I arrived there. We were made to seat in a room while they took their own sweet time talking to us one by one. A smarter way wil be to ask us back at a staggered timing. But then, they are not call SAF for nothing. Such a major organisation and yet we were still made to wait for 4 hours. To make things worse, we had to pay a fine of $50 in cash. No notice was served to us about this and we were made to walk for around 15 mins before the nearest ATM. In such modern times, our "modern" army can't accept Nets nor cheque. I think all this will let you decide just how efficient our army is.
No offence to fans of Wei Lian. Even though I had predicted that he will win, I think that the best man or should I say lady didn't win the competition. I think even fans of him got to agree that sympathy votes is a definite factor in him winning. I had made 6 votes to him as requested by my mum. Knowing my mum who is very careful with her money, this came as a surprise. Her thinking was that he got a decent voice, great courage and a need for us to help him fulfil his dreams as he is lacking in other areas. Well, I got to admit that I was touched by the courage he had shown throughout the contest but is courage all we need to be a superstar? I thought that he was lucky to be in the final. To win it is simply amazing. Even my mum had called me at 9.30 to stop my voting for him. She had given up on him as she felt that he wasn't really on top of his form and Kelly really is getting better and better. Anyway, this is just a contest and all the best to them. See where Sly is at after a year S'pore Idol ended. Shooting Stars?? I didn't even bother watching a single episode.
I will be going for an interview tomorrow. If all goes well, I should be leaving my existing job before the end of next week. The final straw that made me decide to move is getting a job for the company which is potentially a big deal only for the MD to tell me that the company don't have the ability to do it. The ironic part is tat he was the one who is barking me about my lack of sales. To put it simply, I had enough.
Last thing to say here. I can't believe that Tottenham Hotspurs had gotten Jermaine Jenas. He is one of my favourite midfielders and I rate him very highly. How is he going to get into the first 11 baffles me. We had two great central midfielders in Davids and Carrick and a bunch of talent on the bench. I am really hopeful that we will at least finish in the top 5 this year. This is the best Spurs squad that I had ever seen in my 15 years of supporting the club. Come on you Spurs!!!
You can take a picture of something you see. In the future where will I be?
11:35 PM
11:35 PM